Photo by Everton Vila

A good collection of romance short stories can give a romance author a chance to economically publish a book and the readers the choice to read different stories that carry positivity.  

Romance is a genre that features the love and happiness of a “will they/won’t they” or just an ordinary couple in stories. The genre mostly provides positive outcomes and helps the readers cope with stress, putting themselves in the shoes of the protagonists. Though some romance stories involve action, suspense, horror, and mystery, some readers still want to get lost in traditional tales of a person falling in love with another person in a typical love story.

Seasons of Love to Deep South Love by Tamara Barnett is a compilation of six (6) fictional love stories that feature different characters in different scenarios of romance. The book brings its readers to different storylines they will love and choose to get lost in. Furthermore, the readers can also expect stories that give insights into friendship, loss, and unusual romance.

As a writer, creating a collection of romance short stories is a way to connect to readers of the genre. But how does one make a strong compilation for the romance audience? 

Here are eight (8) steps to help you publish your first collection of love stories:

Step #1: Identify Your Selections

Of course! The first step in compiling a collection of romance stories is to revisit your past and recent works. Have you written enough stories to compile? As a writer, you might have materials that have been published or unpublished that need revisiting.

To qualify your story for the compilation, you must first decide what theme to use. This process is like creating an album of love songs. You should know what theme to convey to your audience. Will the collection be about triumph in love? Is it about a journey to love, loss, and redemption? Should it reflect real-life experiences?

Step #2: Consider Each Material

This step can take a lot of time to achieve. Each story in your collection should be of the quality that you want your audience to read. So, do these stories follow your theme? Do they need some rewriting and editing before compiling? In selecting your story, especially for unpublished works, you should revisit them and tweak some parts that can improve their way to your soon-to-be-published collection.

Step #3: Revisit the Full Manuscript Each Time You Add a New Story

As an author, it is always exciting to introduce new materials to the mix when planning to publish a collection of romance short stories. As you create a new story, it is always best to revisit the full manuscript. This part is where you discriminate the weaker or redundant storylines as you add the newer ones. The discriminatory part allows you to retain your stories with stronger plots and keep your momentum active.

Step #4: Arrange the Materials Well

Story compilations allow the readers to choose which story to read first. However, one thing that readers appreciate well when it comes to story compilations is the arrangement of the stories. Story arrangements allow the readers to keep going to the next story if the last one they read lets them ask for more.

Moreover, story arrangements can depend on a pattern that follows the power of the three-act structure: a compelling beginner, an exciting middle part, and a satisfying ending.

You may start with a strong storyline that compels your readers. In the middle, you can introduce something with a climactic plot or a storyline that involves excitement. Ultimately, you end the whole compilation with a tale that has a satisfying ending, summarizing the theme of the book.

Step #5: Prepare for the Stones in Your Shoes

Publishing a book is a journey. So, in this journey, you can have stones in your shoes that will be painful. In short, your compilation can get rejected. It will hurt, but you have to ready yourself for that. Besides, an author’s journey is never as easy as counting. There are challenges along the way.

The publishing industry can sometimes be daunting, but you have to weather the storm. There are still other publishers and opportunities that will see your work and publish it. If you can self-publish, you need to find legitimate companies that should work for you.

Step #6: Accept Constructive Criticisms and Change

Some publishing houses and editors will read your work and consider it for publishing. When you receive criticism, you should see to it that the criticism should improve your work. Yes, the publishing industry requires you to have thick skin, as you are already considered an upcoming celebrity in the publishing world. Don’t worry! Even the best-sellers accept criticisms that should make their books better.

On top of that, you should learn to use the criticisms to accept changes to your material. You might have some things reserved that could make your whole book work.

Step #7: Reassess

As an author, it is always best to find faults in your manuscript and revise them. With this, you can always make a stronger comeback and an even stronger material.

Step #8: Work with the Publisher and Editor

The most successful books have histories of working with their publishers and editors. Once you submit your manuscript, you must see to it that it is not the final draft yet. Expect to receive feedback from the editors or publishers about your books. Again, you should consider the criticisms and comments that should help you get the best out of your work. Your editor or publisher can offer you a perspective you might not have explored before.

Your published book is a materialized journey that should keep on reminding you of the hardships and satisfaction you experienced. You must see to it that it becomes an inspiration for the wide-eyed dreamers, who will follow your steps as well.

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